USAAF squadron codes

USAAF unit identification markings, codes and colors


USAAF in Europe adopted a similar coding system to that of the RAF: two character alphabetical or alpha-numeric combination were separated from a third by the national Insignia. 3rd letter was Radio Call Letter, in Bomb Groups often repeated on the fin.
1st Air Division

1st Combat Wing
GroupSquadrons codes and colorstail markings 
91st BG322nd LG323rd OR324th DF401st LL▲A 
381st BG532 VE533 OQ VP534 JZ GD535 PL MS▲L 
398th BG600 N8601 3O602 K8603 N7▲W 
40th Combat Wing
92nd BG325th NV326th JW327th UX407th PY▲B 
305th BG364th WF365th XK366th KY422nd JJ▲GGreen band on horizontal stabilizer
306th BG367 GY368 BO369 WW423 RD▲HYellow band on horizontal stabilizer
41st Combat Wing
303rd BG358th VK359th BN360th PU427th GN▲C 
379th BG524th WA (1)525 FR (2)526 LF (3)527 FO (4)▲K 
384th BG544 SU (1)545 JD (2)546 BK (3)547 SO (4)▲P 
94th Combat Wing
351st BG508 YB509 RQ510 TU511 DS▲JRed band across tail
401st BG612 SC613 IN614 IW615 IY▲SYellow band across tail
457th BG748749750751▲Ucolor on propeller hubs
482nd BG812 MI813 PC814 SI Pathfinders B-24, B-17 Variable use of codes
RCM803 (36) R4    B-17, B-24, P-51, P-38
NLS422(858)(406) JJ J6    B-17, B-24
801 BG36(856)-406(858)-788(859) –850(857) – B-24, C-47, Mosquito, A-26

2nd Air Division

2nd Combat Wing B-24
GroupsSquadrons codes and colorstail codestail markings
389th BG564 YO565 – EE ‾‾566 – RR +567 –HP_◯Cvertical black white black tail
445th BG700 IS701 MK –702 WV –703 RN +◯Fhorizontal black white black tail
453rd BG732 E3733 F8 +734 E8 –735 H6 –◯Jdiagonal black white black tail
14th Combat Wing
44th BG66th QK +67th NB_68th WQ506th GJ ‾‾◯Avertical white black white tail
392nd BG576 CI577 DC +578 EC _579 GC _ ‾‾◯Dhorizontal white black white tail
491st BG852 3Q853 T8 –854 6X –855 V2 +◯Zhorizontal green white green tail
492nd BG856 5Z857 9H –858 9A –859 X4 +◯Udiagonal white black white tail
20th Combat Wing
93rd BG328th GO329th RE330th AG409th YM◯Bvertical yellow black yellow tail
446th BG704 FL705 HN706 RT707 JU◯Hhorizontal yellow black yellow tail
448th BG712 CT △713 IG ◯714 EI ◻715 IO ◇◯Idiagonal yellow black yellow tail
489th BG844 4R845 S4 –846 8R +847 T4 –◯Wvertical green white green tail
96th Combat Wing
458th BG752 7V753 J4754 Z5755 J3◯Kvertical red white red tail
466th BG784 T9785 2U786 U8787 6L◯Lhorizontal red white red tail
467th BG788 X7 789 6A790 Q2791 4Z◯Pdiagonal red white red tail

3rd Air Division

3rd Air Division 
4th Combat Wing B-17 
GroupSquadrons codes and colorstail codes 
94th BG331st QE332nd XM333rd TS410th GL■ A 
385th BG548549550551■ GYellow chevron on wing
447th BG708 CQ709 IE710 IF711 IP■ KBlue chevron on wing, 2 green stripes on tail
486th BG832 3R833 4N834 2S835 H8■ W 
487th BG836 2G837 4F838 2C839 R5■ P 
13th Combat Wing B-17 
95th BG334 BG335 OE336 ET412 QW■ B 
100th BG349 XR350 LN351 EP418 LD■ DBlack rudder and wing band
390th BG568 BI569 CC570 DI571 FC■ JYellow rudder and wing band
45th Combat Wing B-17 
96th BG337 AW338 BX339 QJ413 MZ■ C 
388th BG560561562563■ HTwo black bands on tail and wing
452nd BG728 -M3729 9Z-730 7D731 6K+■ L 
93rd Combat Wing 
34th BG4th 3L7th R218th 8I391st Q6■ SB-24/B-17
385th BG548 –549 –550 –551 –■ GB-17
490th BG848 7W849 W8850 7Q851 S3■ TB-24/B-17 red tail tip
493rd BG860 –861 –862 –863 –■ XB-24/B-17 red band on tail

Medium bombers

VIII Air Support Command
3rd Combat Bombardment Wing
GroupBomb squadrons  
322nd BG449th PN450th ER451st SS452nd DR B-26
323rd BG453rd VT454th RJ455th YU456th WTwhite horizontal bandB-26
386th BG552nd RG553rd AN554th RU555th YAyellow horizontal bandB-26, A-26
387th BG556th FW557th KS558th KX559th TQyellow and black stripesB-26, A-26
397th BG596th X2597th 9F598th U2599th 6Bdiagonal yellow stripeB-26
9th USAAF Units
GroupBomb squadrons  
344th BG494th K9495th Y5496th N3497th 7IWhite triangle on tailB-26
391st BG572nd P2573rd T6574th 4L575th O8Yellow triangle on tailB-26
394th BG584th K5585th 4T586th H9587th 5Wdiagonal white stripeB-26
409th BG640th W5641st 7G642nd D6643rd 5Iyellow rudderA-20, A-26
410th BG644th 5D645th 7X646th 8U647th 6Qwhite and black rudderA-20
416th BG668th 5H669th 2A670th F6671st 5Cwhite rudderA-20, A-26


65th Fighter Wing
GroupSquadrons codes and colors 
361st FG374 B7375 E2376 E9yellow nose, sqn color on rudderP-47, P-51
355 FG354 WR357 OS358 YFwhite spinner, sqn color on rudderP-47, P-51
4th FG334 QP XR335 AV WD336 MD VF Spitfire V, P-47, P-51
56th FG61 HV62 LM63 UNsqn colors on rudder and engine cowlingP-47
479th FG434 L2 ◯435 J2 △ 436 9B ◻sqn color on rudderP-38, P-51
5 ERS5F   P-47, B-17, OA-10A
66th Fighter Wing
GroupSquadrons codes, geometric code and colors 
55th FG38 CG △338 CL ◯343 CY ■ P-38, P-51
78th FG82 MX83 HL339th FGblack & white checkerboard on engine cowling, sqn color on rudderP-38, P-47, P-51
339th FG503 D7504 5Q505 6Nwhite-red-white spinner +checkerboard ; sqn color on rudderP-51
353rd FG350 LH351 YJ352 SXblack & yellow checkerboard on engine cowlingP-47, P-51
357th FG362 G4363 B6364 C5red-yellow-red spinner +checkerboard ; sqn color on rudderP-51
67th Fighter Wing
GroupSquadrons codes, geometric code and colors 
352nd FG328 PE486 PZ487 HOblue nose, sqn color on rudderP-47, P-51
356th FG359 OC360 PI361 QIblue-red nose stripes, sqn color on rudder and spinnerP-47, P-51
359th FG368 CV369 IV370 CSgreen nose, sqn color on rudder P-47, P-51
364th FG383 N2 ◯384 5Y ■385 5E ▲white nose or spinnerP-38, P-51
20th FG55 KI ▲77 LC ◯79 MC ■black and white vertical stripesP-38, P-51
36th FG22 3T23 7U53 6Vsquadron colors on engine cowling and tail rudderP-47
48th FG492 F4493 I7494 6Msquadron colors on: engine cowling + red & white checkerboard and tail rudder P-47
50th FG10 T581 2N313 W3 P-47
354th FG353 FT355 GQ356 AJ P-51 P-47
358th FG365 CH366 IA367 CPorange tailP-47
362nd FG377 E4378 G8379 B8squadron colors on engine cowling, red tail tipP-47
363rd FG380 A9381 B3382 C3Sqn colors: propeller spinner and the forward 12” of the engine cowlingP-51
365th FG386 D5387 B4388 C4 P-47
366th FG389 A6390 B2391 A8 P-47
367th FG392 H5 ▲393 8L ●394 4N ◼geometric symbol on tail and sqn color on engine cowling/noseP-38, P-47
368th FG395 A7396 C2397 D3Yellow tail tip. Sqn colors on cowling and propeller spinnerP-47
370th FG401 9D ◼402 E6 ◯485 7F ▲ P-38
371st FG404 9Q405 8N406 4Wsquadron colors on engine cowlingP-47
373rd FG410 R3411 U9412 V5 P-47
404th FG506 4K507 Y8508 7J P-47
405th FG509 G9510 2Z511 K4Sqn colors: leading edge of the engine cowling, canopy frame, anti-glare panel, horizontal tail bandP-47
406th FG512 L3513 4P514 O7Sqn colors on engine cowling. 3- color horizontal tail bandP-47
474th FG428 F5 ◼429 7Y ▲430 K6 ◯ P-38


325PW(R)25 BG652 YN653 WX654 XNB-17, B-24, Mosquito XVI
VIII GASC62 TCG4 –7 –8 –51 –C-47
325PW(R)7 PG13 ES14 –22 G227 –Spitfire, F5A/B/C

Transport and reconnaissance units

GroupSquadron code 
52nd Troop Carrier Wing
61st TCG14 3I15 Y953 3A59 X5C-47
313th TCG29 5X47 N348 Z749 H2C-47, C-53, C-46
314th TCG32 S250 2R61 Q962 E5C-47, C-53
315th TCG34 NM43 UA309 M6310 4AC-47, C-53
316th TCG36 6E37 W744 4C45 T3C-47, C-53
349th TCG23 Q8312 9E313 3F314 LYC-46
53rd Troop Carrier Wing
434th TCG71 CJ72 CU73 CN74 IDC-47, C-53
435th TCG75 SH76 CW77 IB78 CMC-47, C-53
436th TCG79 S680 7D81 U582 3DC-47, C-53
437th TCG83 T284 Z885 9O86 5KC-47, C-53
438th TCG87 3X88 M289 4U90 Q7C-47, C-53
53rd Troop Carrier Wing
439th TCG91 L492 J893 3B94 D8C-47, C-53
440th TCG95 9X96 6Z97 W698 8YC-47, C-53
441st TCG99 3J100 8C301 Z4302 2LC-47, C-53
442nd TCG303 J7304 V4305 4J306 7HC-47, C-53
10th Photographic Reconnaissance Group
12 ZM15 5M30 I631 8VF-3, F-5, F-6checkerboard
33 SW34 S9155162 IX  
67th Photographic Reconnaissance Group
 12 ZM15 5M30 I62911P-38, P-51, SpitfireVb, L-4, A-20
 33 SW107 AX109 VX153 ZS DA 
69th Tactical Reconnaissance Group
 10 YC22 QL34 XX111L-5, F-6
363rd Tactical Reconnaissance Group
 33 2W106 A9161 B3162 C3F-5, F-6, P-51
9th Tactical Reconnaissance Group (P)
 3134 XX111162 IXP-38, P-51, P-40, A-20, UC-64
1st Pathfinder Sqn1H   B-26
3rd Gunnery Tow Target FlightLJ    

MTO – Italy and North Africa

12th USAAF Units
 44th Bomb Wing  
GroupSquadron numbers range, color and tail codes  
17th BG34th 01-2537th: 26-5095th 51-75 432nd 76-99 B-26
319th BG437th: 01-25438th 26-50439th 51-75440th 76-99B-25 blue cobalt tailsB-26, B-25
320th BG441th: 01-25442nd 26-50443rd: 51-75444th 76-99 B-26
 57th Bomb Wing  
310th BG379th white band380th blue381st yellow428th red2 bands: yellow + sqn color, before 1944 only yellow stripeB-25
321st BG445th I446th II447th III448th IVtail roman numeralB-25
 1945: black 01-251945: black 26-501945: black 51-751945: black 76-99  
340th BG486th 6(x)487th 7(x)488th 8(x)489th 9(x)spinners and cowl rings in sqn colorB-25
12th BG81st 01-2582nd 26-5083rd 51-75434th 76-99 B-25
47th BG84th 01-2585th 26-5086th 51-7597th 76-99 A-20
5th Bombardment Wing  
2nd BG20 =49 T96 V429 ╨B-17
97th BG340 0341 1342 2414 3B-17
99th BG346 I347 II348 III416 IVB-17
301st BG32 1352 2353 3419 4B-17


15th USAAF Units
5th Bomb Wing
B-17 units
GroupSquadrontail markingcolors 
2nd BG204996429black rudder, wing band 
97th BG340341342414Y in triangle  
99th BG346347348416Y in diamond  
301st BG32352353419Y in squaregreen rudder 
463rd BG772773774775Y inverted triangleyellow rudder 
483rd BG815816817840Y with starred rudder and elevator 
47th Bomb Wing
B-24 units
98th BG343344345415horizontal stripes△ 1yellow-black tail, halved diagonally fin
376th BG512513514515black fin bottom△ 2 
449th BG716717718719yellow-black area on halved fin△ 3 
450th BG720721722723verical stripes△ 4 
49th Bomb Wing
numbers on fuselage
451st BG724 01-19725 20-39726 40-59727 60-79 ◯ 1
461st BG764 01-19765 20-39766 40-59767 60-79 ◯ 2
484th BG824 01-19825 20-39826 40-59827 60-79  ▶◀
55th Bomb Wing
460th BG760761762763rear fuselage letters◻ 1◻ ◯
464th BG776777778779rear fuselage letters◻ 2◻ I
465th BG780781782783rear fuselage letters ◻ —
485th BG828829830831rear fuselage letters ◻ X
 304th Bomb Wing      
454th BG736737738739rear fuselage numbers◇ 1white
455th BG740741742743rear fuselage numbers◇ 2yellow
456th BG744745746747rear fuselage letters◇ 3red
459th BG756 6(+letter)757 7(+letter)758 8(+letter)759 9(+letter) ◇ 4yellow-black checkerboard
5th Photo Group15th – two red bands on tail32th – two yellow bands on tail37th – two blue bands on tail   P-38
79th FGHQ X01-0985th X10-X3986th X40-X6987th X70-99 1945: 3 yellow lightnings on tailP-40, P-47
324th FGHQ Y01-09314th Y10-39315th Y40-Y69316th Y70-99  P-40
324th FG 10-3940-6970-99 lightning on fuselageP-47
57th FGHQ 01-0964th 10-39 (black scorpion)65th 40-69 (red rooster)66th 70-99 (fighting cock + large X on cowling)  P-40, P-47
33rd FGHQ58th59th60th  P-40
332nd FG99th A01-39 (P-40 with 79th FG)100th 1-27301st: Stencil Numbers 302ns: black nr with red border red tailP-51
325th FGHQ 01-09317th: 10-35318t: 40-65319th: 70-95 yellow-black checkerboard on tail; red cowl ringP-40, P-47, P-51
81st FG93rd: Q-(letter)X-(letter)    P-39
350th FG345th: 5(letter+nr); lightning on tail346th: 6(letter+nr); checkerboard on rudder347th: 7(letter+nr); “A” on tail   P-47
350th FG      P-39
27th FBG522 B(x)523 C(x)524 A(x)   A-36
27th FG522523524 single lettersqn color spinnerP-47
86th FGHQ 1-9525 10-39526 40-69527 70-99 7 red-white stripes on tailP-47
82nd FG95th A(x) 96th B(x)97th C(x)   P-38


P-51/P-47 long range units 1945
GroupSquadron number range and color
15th FG45th: 50-9978th:100-14947th:150-199
 green-black-green spinner; green band on tailyellow-black spinner; yellow-black wing and tail tipsyellow=black-yellow spinner; black band and triangle on tail
21st FG46th: 200-24972nd: 250-299531st: 300-349
 blue spinner and tail bandyellow spinnerwhite spinner and tail band
506th FG457th: 500-549458th: 550-599462nd 600-649
 green rear fuselage (solid or stripes)dark blue rear fuselage (solid or stripes)yellowrear fuselage (solid or stripes)
414th FG650-799  


VII Fighter Command
15th FG
HQ: 15
45th: 50-99
78th: 200-249
318th FG
HQ: 300
19th: 301-349
72nd: 350-399
333rd: 450-499
6th NFS

B-24 tail markings:

B-29 tail markings:

Battle Colors: Insignia and Aircraft Markings of the Eighth Air Force in World War II: Vol.1: (VIII) Bomber Command
Robert A Watkins: Battle Colors: Insignia and Aircraft Markings of the Eighth Air Force in World War II, Vol. 2 – (VIII) Fighter Command
Dana Bell: Air Force Colors Volume 3: Pacific & Home Front 1942-1947
Dana Bell: Air Force Colors, Vol. 2: ETO & MTO (European & Mediterranean Theaters of Operations) 1942-45 – Aircraft Specials series 6151