P-47D 42-22798, AAF Tactical Center
P-47B 41-6002 56th Fighter Group, USA
P-47D 42-22878 with yellow nose
P-47B, yellow 30, 56th FG, USA 1942
41-5902, 41-5930 and XP-47B
P-47 Thunderbolt 1st Brazilian Fighter Squadron Italy
Lt.Colonel Francis Stanley Gabby Gabreski
P-47D 42-26641 “Hairless Joe” of the 56th Fighter Group, 62nd FS
P-47 Hairless Joe and P-51D 44-14776 “Arrow Head” 339th Fighter Group
P-47 42-22286 of the 357th FS, 355th FG
P-47 41-6558 of the 378th FS, 362nd FG
P-47 1st Lieutenant Don Kerns Italy
P-47 engine 2
P-47 propeller change
P-47, USA 1942
P-47 nose
P-47 44-20230
P-47 engine
P-47D 42-26044 Silver Lady of the 61st FS 56th FG at Boxted
P-47D 42-23297
P-47D 42-22798 798 and 289
P-47 engine
P-47 engine
Capt Frederick Christensen 62nd FS 56th FG
P-47D 42-22417 375th FS 361st Fighter Group Langley Field
P-47 in natural metal finish
P-47M 44-21237 “Marion, North Dakota Kid” (nose art) LM-C of the 56th Fighter Group in flight. Thunderbolt flown by 2/Lt. Walter Sharbo
P-47D “Little Joe” of the 73rd Fighter Squadron, 318th Fighter Group flown by Lt Joe Cecci
P-47 of the 63rd Fighter Squadron, 56th Fighter Group, code UN-A 44-19786 in flight 1944
P-47 Thunderbolt of the 384th Bomb Group
Air Sea Rescue P-47 Thunderbolt of the 5th Emergency Rescue Squadron with Malcolm Hood canopy.
crashed P-47, code UN-Y, serial 41-6326 of the 56th Fighter Group pilot Lt Harold E Comstock – 3 March 1944
P-47 Thunderbolt “Martha” of the 404th Fighter Group
P-47 Thunderbolt 44-20230 at Mount Farm of the 7th Photographic Reconnaissance Group
P-47N of the 333rd FS, 318th Fighter Group Ie Shima
Mechanics of the 333rd FS, 318th Fighter Group Force napalm into 165 gallon fuel tank of P-47
P-47 Thunderbolt of the 364th Fighter Group
P-47 #34 of the 73rd Fighter Squadron, 318th FG takes off from the USS Manila Bay CVE-61
Major Robert S. Johnson ace pilot of the 61st FS, 56th Fighter Group poses with a P-47
P-47 Thunderbolt code 7J-V, serial 42-29140 of the 404th Fighter Group in flight over Belgium, March 1945
Thunderbolt pilot Lieutenant Frank W. Klibbe of the 61st FS, 56th Fighter Group
P-47 Thunderbolt of the 357th FS, 359th Fighter Group at Langley Field Virginia, 7 July 1943
P-47 Thunderbolt, nose art “Lady Jane”, piloted by John W. Truluck of the 63rd Fighter Squadron, 56th Fighter Group
P-47 Thunderbolt 4N-A, 44-33416 “Philbert V” of the 367th Fighter Group in natural metal finish, without camouflage.
crashed P-47 code UN-X of the 61st Fighter Squadron ,56th Fighter Group
Thunderbolt CS-X 42-74676 “Blondie II” of the 359th Fighter Group, 370th FS
P-47D “Spittin’ Kitten” 404 of the 318th FG, 73rd FS prepares to launch from USS Manila Bay CVE-61, 23 June 1944
Refueling a P-47D “E” 42-75783 “Little Rock-ette” of the 19th FS. 318th Fighter Group Saipan
Thunderbolt #29 42-75302 “Dee Icer” of the 73rd FS, 318th Fighter Group Cpt John O’Hare
Ground crew of the 56th Fighter Group work on the engine of a P-47 Thunderbolt at Boxted February 1945
P-47M LM-J 44-21117 named “Teddy” of the 56th Fighter Group. Thunderbolt flown by Maj. Michael Jackson
P-47D 42-75302 “Dee Icer” of the 73rd Fighter Squadron, 318th FG gets a field overhaul on Saipan – 16 July 1944
P-47 42-8619 War Weary named “Man Made Monster” of the 334th FS, 4th FG at Debden
RP-47B serial 41-5983
P-47C Thunderbolt UN-V 41-6325 of the 63rd FS, 56th Fighter Group prepares for take off at Horsham St Faith – 16 March 1943
British P-47 Thunderbolt Mk II HD247 Burma
P-47 Thunderbolt QI-F 42-74702 “Clarkie” of 361st FS, 356th Fighter Group at Martlesham Heath
P-47D “The Merry Heron II” of the 57th FG, 66th FS
Cpt Edwin Fisher of the 362nd FG atop his P-47D Thunderbolt 42-26919 “Shirley Jane III”
P-47 42-75217 nose art “George” of the 56th Fighter Group.. Thunderbolt flown by 2/Lt John Ross
P-47 Thunderbolt code CH-K, serial 42-29259 of the 365th Fighter Squadron, 358th Fighter Group
P-47 Thunderbolts of the 397th Fighter Squadron, 368th FG at A-1 St Pierre Du Mont, France June 1944
P-47 Thunderbolts of the 56th Fighter Group taking off
P-47 Thunderbolt of the 404th Fighter Group
British Thunderbolt Mk II, code AW-K of No. 22 Squadron RAF in flight, Burma
Lt. Col. Francis S. ‘Gabby’ Gabreski of the 61st FS, 56th Fighter Group climbs out of a P-47 Bubbletop cockpit
Captain Johnson shakes hands with SSgt Penrod of the 56th FG. P-47 Thunderbolt Razorback, code LM-C, serial 42-25512 named Penrod and Sam” – 8 May 1944
Razorback named “Little Paduzi” of 19th Fighter Squadron, 318th FG
P-47 Thunderbolt UN-V 42-76249 flown by Maj Gerald R. “Jerry” Johnson of the 56th Fighter Group
Maj Mike Jackson of the 56th Fighter Group and his P-47 Thunderbolt
Lesina airfield base of 325th Fighter Group
356th Fighter Group, 361st FS P-47 Thunderbolt “Zombie” Martlesham Heath
P-47 Thunderbolts of the 73rd and 333rd FS, 318th FG on Saipan 19 July 1944
P-47D-23 Thunderbolt #33 42-27468 of the 80th Fighter Group 10th Air Force in Burma
Republic XP-47B in flight 1941
P-47 Thunderbolt code IA-N 44-33240 “Tarheel Hal” of the 356th Fighter Squadron, 358th Fighter Group
P-47B #31 41-5931 of the 56th Fighter Group
P-47D #412 42-75460 “Princess Pat” of the 73rd FS, 318th Fighter Group flown by Capt Babcock
P-47C code LM-O 41-6347 of the 56th Fighter Group escort a B-24
B-17 43-3069 of the 96th BG and P-47 42-8190 of the 5th Emergency Rescue Squadron
Thunderbolts serial 42-75778 43-25439 of the 19th FS, 318th Fighter Group
Captain Walker “Bud” Mahurin of the 56th Fighter Group, 63rd FS
Convoy of P-47 Thunderbolts Pass thru English Town Enroute to Depot 1944
P-47D Thunderbolt Y8-U 42-25857 of the 404th Fighter Group, 507th FS
Republic P-47D-11-RA Thunderbolt serial #19 42-23029 of the 318th Fighter Group
P-47 Thunderbolt CS-X 42-74676 “Blondie II” of the 359th Fighter Group
P-47D “Big Paduzi” of the 19th Fighter Squadron, 318th Fighter Group. Pilot Capt Robert Guinnee
P-47 Thunderbolts of the 78th Fighter Group at Duxford
Capt Mahurin on his P-47 Thunderbolt 42-8487 UN-M “Spirit of Atlantic City N.J.”
P-47D 42-76542 A8-W “Princess Pat” of the 366th FG, 391st FS preparing to take off, Thruxton April 1944
P-47 Thunderbolt code MX-G, serial 42-27607 of the 78th Fighter Group, 82nd FS
P-47C LM-O 41-6347 “Torchy” of the 62nd FS, 56th Fighter Group. Pilot Capt Eugene O’Neill
Thunderbolt Mk II NV-S HD235 of No. 79 Squadron RAF Burma 1944
P-47C Thunderbolt LM-W 41-6343 “Little Cookie The Sad Sack” of the 56th Fighter Group
Thunderbolt 42-28511 “Princess Margie” #91 of the 41st FS, 35th Fighter Group, Mangaldan Airfield
P-47D 42-75351 #409 of the 73rd FS, 318th Fighter Group Saipan 1944
Crew of the 361st FS, 356th Fighter Group with Hewitt P-47 Thunderbolt code QI-F, serial 42-74702 named “Clarkie” at Goxhill
P-47 Thunderbolt 43-25730 of the 81st Fighter Group, 14th Air Force, Burma 1944
P-47 Thunderbolt C4-Y 42-26407 of the 365th Fighter Group, 388th FS
Thunderbolt serial 43-25322 “Super Paduzi” of the 19th Fighter Squadron, 318th Fighter Group Saipan
Lt John A. Dooling of 318th FG inspects hole made in the wing of his P-47 by AA fire
P-47D-28 42-28627 named “Shack Rat” of the 63rd Fighter Squadron, 56th Fighter Group
Thunderbolt 43-25439 “Gail Ann” of the 19th FS, 318th Fighter Group
P-47 Thunderbolt HV-A 42-75154 “Sad Sam” of the 56th Fighter Group. Pilot: Lt. William Aggers
P-47 Thunderbolt 127 of the 463rd FS, 507th Fighter Group in flight
P-47D serial 43-25402 “Smokepole” of the 19th FS, 318th FG on the flight deck of aircraft carrier.
P-47D Thunderbolt 42-26419 of the 56th Fighter Group at Boxted
P-47 Thunderbolt L3-U 42-26922 “Little Ann” of the 406th Fighter Group, 512th FS and C-47 in the background
Ground crew affix a 500 lb bomb to the underside of wing of a P-47 56th FG 1944
Damaged P-47 “M” 43-25322 “Super Paduzi” of the 19th Fighter Squadron, 318th Fighter Group Saipan
Thunderbolt OC-C 42-76211 “Princess Jocelyn” of the 359th FS, 356th Fighter Group at Martlesham Heath
Damaged P-47C HV-O 41-6220 of the 61st FS, 56th Fighter Group – 26 June 1943
P-47 42-26293 “Belle of Belmont” of the 56th Fighter Group. Thunderbolt flown by Lt. Armand Laflam
Ground crew of the 61st FS, 56th FG test the radio equipment of P-47 HV-S 42-28382 “Ole Cock III” – Boxted November 1944
Maintenance on Republic P-47 RAF Manston AB England 1944
P-47D Thunderbolt 44-19733 of 406th Fighter Group
prototype P-47 Thunderbolt J11 42-24964 fitted with a ski undercarriage
P-47D Thunderbolt “W” “Mary” nose art of the 27th Fighter Group
Ground personnel of the 358th Fighter Group refuel a P-47 Thunderbolt 42-28928
Republic P-47D-23-RA Thunderbolt serial 42-27736
362nd Fighter Group P-47 Thunderbolt 42-26919 “Shirley Jane III”
Thunderbolts of the 366th Fighter Group, 389th Fighter Squadron France 1944
Thunderbolt Mk II of No. 30 Squadron RAF before taking off from Jumchar
P-47D “The Wicked Wench” 19th Fighter Squadron, 318th Fighter Group
“Lady Ruth” from the 19th Fighter Squadron, 318th Fighter Group, Saipan June 1944
P-47D-10 Thunderbolt 42-75137 of the 56th Fighter Group. Pilot: Lt. George Lovett
P-47D-22 42-26293 of the 56th Fighter Group “Belle of Belmont”
Lt Col Francis S. Gabreski of the 56th Fighter Group in the cockpit of his P-47 1944
P-47 Thunderbolt 5F-A 42-75855 War Weary of the 5th Emergency Rescue Squadron
P-47 Thunderbolt 5F-A 42-75855 WW of the 5th Emergency Rescue Squadron
Ground personnel of the 406th FG, 514th Fighter Squadron conduct engine checks to a P-47D code O7-B, serial 42-28401 at Handorf April 1945
P-47 Thunderbolt WW 42-75256 “Category E” – twin seat conversions
Col David Schilling of the 56th Fighter Group on board his P-47 Thunderbolt. Fall 1944
P-47D 42-75779 “Patricia” 19th Fighter Squadron, 318th FG hoisted aboard USS Natoma Bay at Pearl Harbor – 1 June 1944
P-47D 42-75302 “Dee Icer” of the 73rd Fighter Squadron, 318th FG preparing to take off from the aircraft carrier.
P-47D Thunderbolt Bubbletop of the 56th Fighter Group
Engineer put detonator in the napalm bomb P-47 of the 333rd Fighter Squadron, 318th FG
Two P-47 in flight
10th AF P-47 Thunderbolts in Formation over Northern Burma
Damaged P-47 “Powers Girl” of the 56th Fighter Group, 61st FS. Pilot Capt Powers
368th Fighter Group P-47D Thunderbolt “Sleepy Jean the 3rd” nose art
P-47 “Jerry” #175 serial 42-28508 of the 58th Fighter Group
P-47 Thunderbolt 5F-S 42-8586 WW of the 5th Emergency Rescue Squadron
Ground Crew of the 318th Fighter Group, 19th FS repairing damage on 42-75786 “Noble Norma”, Saipan July 1944
P-47 Thunderbolt of the 1st Tactical AF
P-47 boneyard Panagarh India
Damaged P-47M 44-21197 HV-O named “Joy Boy” of the 56th Fighter Group. Thunderbolt flown by Lt. Edward Lightfoot, 21 January 1945.
P-47 Thunderbolt 44-21187 of the 56th Fighter Group and B-17 Flying Fortress 43-38479
Burning P-47 Thunderbolt of the 365th Fighter Group, 388th FS – France 11 July 1944
P-47D 42-75778 of the 19th FS, 318th Fighter Group
P-47 Thunderbolt “Magic Carpet” of the 366th Fighter Group
P-47 Thunderbolt UN-C of the 63rd Fighter Squadron, 56th Fighter Group May 1943
Pilots of the 63rd Fighter Squadron, 56th Fighter Group Boxted
P-47D “C” 42-75776 of the 19th FS, 318th Fighter Group
P-47 LJ-B 42-8381 WW “Little One” and LJ-D 42-7896 at East Wretham 359th Fighter Group
P-47D Thunderbolt 42-26298 “Stalag Luft III, Wanted Wings / Button Nose” of the 56th Fighter Group. Thunderbolt flown by Lt. Albert Knafelz
352nd Fighter Group P-47 Thunderbolt nicknamed “Dallas Blonde”
P-47D 42-75779 “Patricia” of the 19th FS, 318th FG Saipan
P-47 Thunderbolt 41-6209 of the 56th Fighter Group at Kings Cliffe 11 March 1943
P-47M Thunderbolt HV-Z 44-21108 of the 56th Fighter Group. Pilot: Capt Witold „Lanny” Łanowski
Ground crew of the 63rd FS, 56th Fighter Group and Thunderbolt UN-B 44-21209 “Lookin Fer Trouble”
P-47 Razorback code 2Z-J of the 510th FS, 405th Fighter Group
Two seat P-47 Thunderbolt “The Doublebolt” 42-75276 of the 56th Fighter Group, September 1944
Ground personnel of the 56th FG, extinguishing a burning P-47 HV-V 42-26300 “Pengie III” – Boxted July 1944
P-47 Thunderbolt 41-6264 of the 56th Fighter Group takes off March 1943
P-47D-20-RA 43-25394 of the 318th Fighter Group
4th Fighter Group P-47 Thunderbolts
P-47 Thunderbolt used as a hack plane by the 306th Bomb Group at Thurleigh
P-47 Thunderbolt I7-Z 44-33360 of the 48th Fighter Group at Kassel May 1945
Thunderbolts of the 63rd Fighter Squadron, 56th Fighter Group prepare for take off. UN-B 42-26466 “Anamosa II” flown by Capt. Rusell Westfall in the foreground
Colonel Kelly of the 406th Fighter Group in the cockpit of his P-47 “Skirty Bert III” Handorf
K-25 Aerial Camera on A Republic P-47 Thunderbolt Italy
Lt Casteel of the 63rd FS, 56th FG stands beside his battle damaged P-47 UN-A 43-25531 – May 1944
Thunderbolt “Dee’s Dragon” of the 73rd FS, 318th FG. 23 June 1944
P-47D 42-76179 code SX-Y “Scotty Bill”
Thunderbolts of the 62nd FS, 56th Fighter Group at Horsham St Faith May 1943
Thunderbolts Razorback 43-25612 43-25596 43-25457
P-47D Thunderbolt 42-23024 “Gorgeous Gay” of the 73rd FS, 318th FG Saipan
Armorers removing ammo from wing guns of a P-47 Thunderbolt of the 318th Fighter Group
ground crew servicing the P-47 Thunderbolt flown by Captain Johnson
Thunderbolts of the 56th Fighter Group Boxted, Summer 1944
Mechanics of the 318th FG Repairing P-47 at Bellows Field 15 May 1944
P-47 Thunderbolt “Big Ass Bird” of the 406th Fighter Group at Asch Belgium 1945
356th Fighter Group damaged P-47D after crash landing at Martlesham Heath
- P-47 Thunderbolt – Larry Davis, Aircraft in Action 208, Squadron/Signal Publications 2007
- P-47 Thunderbolt vs Bf 109G/K Europe 1943-45 – Martin Bowman, Osprey Duel 11
- P-47 Thunderbolt Units of the Twelfth Air Force – Jonathan Bernstein, Chris Davey, Osprey Combat Aircraft 92
- P-47 Thunderbolt in detail & scale 54 – Bert Kinzey, Squadron/Signal Publications 1998
- Thunderbolt – The Republic P-47 Thunderbolt in the Pacific Theater – Ernest R. McDowell, Squadron/Signal Publications Aircraft Specials 6079
- Thunderbolt – The Republic P-47 Thunderbolt in the European Theater – Ernest R. McDowell, Squadron/Signal Publications
- Modelling the P-47 Thunderbolt – Brett Green Osprey Modelling 11
- P-47 Thunderbolt Aces of the Eighth Air Force – Jerry Scutts Osprey Aircraft of the Aces 024
- P-47 Thunderbolt Aces of the Ninth and Fifteenth Air Forces – Jerry Scutts Osprey Aircraft of the Aces 030
- Republic P-47 Thunderbolt – The Final Chapter. Latin American Air Forces Service – Dan Hagedorn, Phalanx Publishing 1991
- Republic P-47 Thunderbolt Vol.1, Vol.2, Vol.3, Vol.4 – Tomasz Szlagor, Kagero Monographs No.17,20,24,28
- Republic P-47 Thunderbolt – Alan W. Hall, Warpaint Special 1
- The 356th Fighter Group in World War II, In Action Over Europe with the P-47 and P-51 – Kent D. Miller, Schiffer Publishing
- The P-47 Thunderbolt – Len Morgan, Famous Aircraft Series
- Republic P-47 Thunderbolt in USAAF – RAF – Foreign service – Ernest R. McDowell, Osprey Aircam Aviation Series 2
- American Eagles, P-47 Thunderbolt Units of the Eighth Air Force, USAAF Colours 3 – Roger Freeman, Classic Publications 2002
- Republic P-47 Thunderbolt – Martin Velek, Valerij Roman MBI
- P-47 Thunderbolt – Richard Caruana, Famous Aircraft of the World
- Republic P-47 Thunderbolt U.S.A.A.F., E.T.O. & M.T.O. 1942-1945 – Camouflage and Markings 15
- Republic P-47 Thunderbolt Described Part 1 and 2 – Geoff Duval
- Republic P-47 Thunderbolt – Aero Series 6
- Republic P-47 Thunderbolt – Aero Detail 14
- P-47 Thunderbolt units of the twelfth Air Force – Jonathan Bernstein, Osprey Combat Aircraft 92
- P-47 Thunderbolt in action – Larry Davis, Squadron/Signal Publications Aircraft Number 67
- Walk Around Number 11 P-47 Thunderbolt – Lou Drendel – Squadron/Signal Publications
- P-47 Thunderbolt Francais 1943-1960, Les Materiels de L’Armee de L’Air 4 – Histoire & Collections (french)
- Republic P-47 Thunderbolt – Warbird Tech Volume 23 – Frederick A. Johnsen
- Thunderbolt – From Seversky to Victory – Warren M. Bodie, Widewing Publications 1995
- Pilot’s Manual for the Republic P-47 Thunderbolt – Army Air Forces, Air Service Command 1943
- P-47D Thunderbolt – Famous Airplanes of the world 112, Bunrin Do
- Republic P-47D Thunderbolt – Aerodata International 6, Vintage Aviation Publications
- P-47 Thunderbolt: P-35/P-41/P-43 – A. Jarski, R. Michulec, Monografie Lotnicze 25 (polish)
- P-47 Thunderbolt P-35 / P-43 / XP-72 – A. Jarski, R. Michulec, Monografie Lotnicze 26 (polish)
- USAAF Aircraft Markings and Camouflage 1941-1947: The History of USAAF Aircraft Markings, Insignia, Camouflage, and Colors – Victor G. Archer, Robert D. Archer, Schiffer Publishing 1997
- Duxford and the Big Wings 1940-45: RAF and USAAF Fighter Pilots at War – Martin W. Bowman 2009
- Fighter Bases of WW2 – US 8th Army Air Force Fighter Command USAAF 1943-45: P-38 Lightning, P-47 Thunderbolt and P-51 Mustang Squadrons in East Anglia, Cambridge and Northamptonshire – Martin W. Bowman, Aviation Heritage Trail 2009
- USAAF Fighter Units: Europe 1942-45 – René J. Francillon, Osprey Aircam / Airwar 8
- Gear Up! Flight Clothing and Equipment of USAAF Airmen in World War II – Jon A. Maguire, Schiffer Publishing 2004
- USAAF Fighters Units MTO 1942-45 – Christopher Shores, Osprey Aircam/Airwar 12
- The Mighty Eighth at War USAAF 8th Air Force Bombers Versus the Luftwaffe 1943-1945 – Martin Bowman